Alphabot (built by Argalax)

Posted by gentledragon90 on 7:40 PM

Target EnvironmentLocomotion Method
Indoors3 Wheels
Sensors / Input DevicesActuators / Output Devices
Long range IR sensor
IR proximity sensors
bumper switches
light sensor
tilt sensor
battery level sensor
mode switches
optical wheel encoders
head position stepper motor
DC drive motors
audio beeper
heart beat LED
Control MethodPower Source
CPU TypeOperating System
Philips P89C51RD2None
Programming LanuageWeight
URL for more information
 is based on 8051 microcontroller, designed completely from scratch - own sensory and communication systems, propulsion circuitry (PWM, etc), real-time software, etc. Besides robot designing, hardware and circuit soldering, I really enjoyed working on "brains" of the robot's MCU, i.e. its behaviour.


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