Anomalie The Bull Dog (built by Jerry Woods)

Posted by gentledragon90 on 8:19 PM comments (0)

robot can walk forwards or backwards in a straight line or at angles (turning). It can also walk side to side. It s a fairly simplistic design, it walks around searching for the best light source so it can recharge

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AMORO (built by Sukwon Kim)

Posted by gentledragon90 on 8:13 PM comments (0)

This is a AMORO robot for Robot competition. I have concerned about Robot that contain the manuplator. This Robot search something and process the signal of reflected light, sensing, so that can separate the position of each other something. This robot have eight infrared sensor at front of that for sensing and searching and have them at bottom of body for sensing of line. We apply the 'P' control way to the robot so that can follow the line moreover RC server is used to control of manuplator and using the tongsfor decreased friction of body. Therefore We will show the pussy robot that can separate the different thing. So far total time to build has been about 4 months and cost is around 300 dollars

Ambler (built by James Mullins)

Posted by gentledragon90 on 8:08 PM comments (0)

Ambler is a two motor walker with a one degree of freedom head. It is based on BEAM bicore technology and is highly positively phototropic. It swings it's head in the direction of brighter light and the body follows. The tactile sensors allow the walker to turn and reverse from objects. It operates on two 3VDC camera batteries. It's frame is made from hand made brass pieces bolted together with 2mm hex screws. It's three gearmotors are BG Miocros or Nihon lens motors and are roughly a 100:1 gear ratio. The bot sports many little details, such as a flip up custom PCB, indicator LEDs to show the controller pulses and mini shock absorbers on the front legs. The cost to build was roughly 80.00 US.

A.M.B.E.R.( built by Leonardo F. Urbano)

Posted by gentledragon90 on 8:05 PM comments (0)

Target EnvironmentLocomotion Method
Indoors3 Wheels
Sensors / Input DevicesActuators / Output Devices
bump sensors
2x16 LCD display
drive motors
Control MethodPower Source
CPU TypeOperating System
BASIC StampNone
Programming LanuageWeight
Time to buildCost to build
about a week$250

AMBER is a low-cost robot designed to investigate an unconventional approach to artificial intelligence. AMBER is a Talrik Jr. robot kit base from with many different features.
- A BASIC Stamp II serves as the primary control processor.
- 3 bump sensors located left, center and right around a floating wooden bumper ring
- 3 photocellular light sensors
- 1 2x16 line LCD display from
- 2 wheel differential steering
- 2 fingered gripper with 2 servos and 1 MSC servo
controller from
- custom-made cute pink bow
AMBER is controlled by a robust, high-speed neural network. She is able to find a soda can with a lightbulb on top of it. After finding it, she can grab it and hide it in the dark.
Had problems with stupid BASIC Stamp II's memory allocation glitch where it doesn't recognize the programmed dimensions of certain variables. It would read a word as a byte, and a byte as a nibble and so on. Fixed it by making a dummy variable to move the memory pointer to a fresh new word.
AMBER took about a week to build. She cost about $250. Without all the fires and lost parts, could've easily cost $150.

URL for more information

Alphabot (built by Argalax)

Posted by gentledragon90 on 7:40 PM comments (0)

Target EnvironmentLocomotion Method
Indoors3 Wheels
Sensors / Input DevicesActuators / Output Devices
Long range IR sensor
IR proximity sensors
bumper switches
light sensor
tilt sensor
battery level sensor
mode switches
optical wheel encoders
head position stepper motor
DC drive motors
audio beeper
heart beat LED
Control MethodPower Source
CPU TypeOperating System
Philips P89C51RD2None
Programming LanuageWeight
URL for more information
 is based on 8051 microcontroller, designed completely from scratch - own sensory and communication systems, propulsion circuitry (PWM, etc), real-time software, etc. Besides robot designing, hardware and circuit soldering, I really enjoyed working on "brains" of the robot's MCU, i.e. its behaviour.